Specializing in Risk Adjusted Global Portfolios
Gaur Asset Management provides investment management in the form of conservative and growth diversified portfolios. Our clients include individuals, retirement plans and corporations. We specialize in helping individual investors reach their financial goals. By developing a personalized risk adjusted long term global portfolio and continually managing the entire portfolio to take advantages of market changes, we strive to provide you with total returns that meet your investment goals and objectives while staying within your tolerance for risk.
Celebrating 30th Year As a Financial Advisor
2025 marks the 30th year of my leaving Princeton to start a financial advisory business. Special thanks go to my clients who took a leap of faith and joined me at the beginning of this adventure to help me start my practice. The practice has grown very nicely and each new client has come after a referral from an existing client. It gives me immense pleasure and job satisfaction whenever that happens. I feel privileged that so many of you have placed your confidence in Gaur Asset Management.